Referencing Articles

Documents on this site can be referenced using these formats

Where the author is an individual:

author surname, author initial., (year published). title of document, in italics. [pdf] Available at: www.youthworkwalesfull url source (Accessed dd/mm/yyyy)

Substitute details in red with information from the website source.

Williams, D., (2002). ‘A Community Profile’ A Group of Young People living in a small South Wales Valley Village. [pdf] Available at: (Accessed 8 September 2015)

Where the document is produced by an organisation:

organisation, (year published). title of document, in italics. [pdf] Available at: www.youthworkwalesfull url source (Accessed dd/mm/yyyy)

Substitute details in red with information from the website source.

Welsh Government, (2014). National Youth Work Strategy for Wales. [pdf] Available at: (Accessed 8 September 2015)

Where no author/organisation is listed:

Youthworkwales, (year published). title of document, in italics. [pdf] Available at: www.youthworkwalesfull url source (Accessed dd/mm/yyyy)

Substitute details in red with information from the website source.

Where the date of the publication is unknown, put (no date) in place of (year published)

Youthworkwales, (no date). Essay Writing Guide. [pdf] Available at: (Accessed 8 September 2015)

Refer to your learning provider for full details as they may require slight differences in style.